How to Remove Specs Permanently: Know About Laser Eye Surgery and Eye Exercises



Are you tired of using spectacles and contact lenses for clear vision? What if you can wake up every morning with a clear vision without glasses and no stress for looking for your eyeglass as the first thing every morning?

Millions of people are able to get rid of their spectacles permanently with help of a revolutionized method - Laser Eye Surgery. It is a long-term option to remove your glasses and get a clear vision. Modern eye surgeries from Lasik to PRK provide lifelong results.

Is it possible to remove glasses naturally at home?

Most of the people around the globe ask whether we can get rid of our spectacles naturally or get a clear vision without glasses with home remedies? The answer is No!

Home remedies or eye exercises do not help in removing spectacles permanently but may help in improving overall eye health and could help you to be less reliant on your glasses. Some of the natural remedies that might help you in improving your eye health are:

1. Eye Exercises

Having a prolonged exposure to mobile or computer screens can hurt your eyes and can also lead to sight loss. There are several exercises that are usually recommended by ophthalmologists:

  • Blink your eyes multiple times to reduce eye strain caused by excessive screen time, which can lead to various vision problems.
  • Try rotating your eyeballs in clockwise as well as in anti-clockwise direction for 10 minutes.
  • To make your eyes relax, palace your palm over them and fingers on the forehead and blink frequently.
  • Rubbing your palms and then placing them on your eyes can help a lot in reducing eye strain.

2. Balanced Diet

Poor or improper diet is the major reason for decline in eyesight in people nowadays. Human body cannot work at its best when there is a lack of proper nutrition. As a result it also leads to decline in eyesight.

To get a clear vision without glasses, start having a proper diet such as:

  • Carrots
  • Vitamin C
  • Leafy Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Fruits

This is not a permanent solution to remove glasses but some people may experience changes in their vision and overall eye health.

Home Remedies to get rid of glasses

There are several home remedies that are generally suggested to help you improve your vision. But also keep in mind there is no scientific proof that these remedies help in correcting the refractive errors. Some of the home remedies that you can opt for are: 

  1. Walking barefoot on grass in the morning can be a way to get rid of spectacles by naturally strengthening your eye muscles.
  2. Drink water stored in copper vessels as copper has properties that are beneficial for your eyes.
  3. Avoid using strong chemical shampoos and hair dyes, as they can harm eyes.
  4. Consume Vitamin E and Protein rich foods such as Almonds, Soya, etc.
  5. Include onion and garlic in your diet as they contain antioxidants like glutathione, which can help improve your overall eye health. 

What are the best techniques to remove specs permanently?

There are various techniques that are helpful in getting rid of glasses and getting clear vision, it mainly involves medical and surgical methods.

When the question arises how to remove specs in one week? The answer is surgery. There are various advanced surgical options available to improve the refractive errors.

Some of the most advanced available options are: 

  1. LASIK: LASIK is a full form of Laser Assisted in-Situ Keratomileusis. In this surgery the cornea is reshaped using a laser. It is performed for the correction of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. There are various advantages of having LASIK such as less pain, quick recovery and the most important immediate vision improvement.
  2. PRK: PRK stands for Photorefractive Keratectomy. It is performed to reshape the eye cornea but by removing the outer layer of the cornea, which regenerates after surgery in some time, making it a viable option for vision correction.
  3. ICL: ICL stands for Implantable Collamer Lenses. It is similar to cataract surgery. This is performed by removing the eye's original lens and replacing it with IOL (Artificial Intraocular Lens). It is generally preferred for elderly people who may have vision problems such as hyperopia. It prevents cataract and provides a permanent solution.
  4. RLE: RLE stands for Refractive Lens Exchange. This surgery is same as cataract surgery but is performed for people without cataract, for correction of refractive error. It is preferred for people over 40 or for people who are not suitable for LASIK due to severe refractive errors.

Tips to Remember for Healthy Eyes

It is very important to keep your eyes healthy in all ways possible, no matter if you choose natural remedies or go for a surgery. Some of the tips to keep your eyes healthy are: 

  • Consume food rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Vitamin A, C and E and Zinc.
  • Keep yourself hydrated to avoid dry eye symptoms.
  • Avoid sunlight and UV rays by wearing sunglasses when going out during the day to help improve your eye health.
  • Avoid excessive use of mobiles and laptops.
  • Give your eyes proper rest by taking an adequate amount of sleep.

Seek guidance from experienced Ophthalmologist

If you are looking for an option for clear vision without glasses, but are confused about the procedure, consulting a well experienced Ophthalmologist can help you in clearing all your myths and will provide right guidance.


If you are looking for a perfect solution for clear vision without glasses then laser eye surgery is the best option for you. There are various home remedies that are said to be a solution to remove glasses, but there is no scientific claim or proof that these remedies actually help in correcting refractive errors. These home remedies do help improve your eye health but not in removing glasses permanently, so consider options like LASIK surgery for a more permanent solution to vision problems. Consulting a right specialist will help you in knowing your condition’s severity and will also suggest right surgery for you. At Spectra Eye Hospital, Kolkata cutting edge technologies are available along with most skilled and experienced experts. By opting for laser eye surgery, you can take a step ahead for clear vision without being dependent on glasses or contact lenses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I remove my specs with home remedies?

Removing spectacles with home remedies is scientifically not possible, but some home remedies may help you to improve your eyes overall health. To permanently remove your glasses consult a good ophthalmologist and get your consultation today.

2. Is 0.25 eyesight curable?

0.25D might be curable in some cases with help of proper diet and exercises suggest by your doctor.

3. Do regular wearing of glasses help in improving eyesight?

Wearing glasses neither increases nor decreases your power. It just helps in maintaining your eyesight.

4. How can I remove my spectacles permanently?

There are various medical processes that helps you in permanently remove your glasses, such as LASIK, RLE, ICL, etc.




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