
Cataract Surgery

The most common form of cataract removal is cataract surgery. The surgery can be performed in less than 30 minutes with the aid of modern techniques and usually requires very little sedation. Eye drops to numb or an injection is used around the eye and no stitches are used to close the wound. In most cases, no eye patch is needed after the surgery. Phacoemulsification is not performed using a laser, though a femtosecond laser may be used to make an opening in the lens's anterior capsule.

Vitreoretinal Surgery

Persons suffering from diabetic retinopathy, vitreous haemorrhage, hemolytic glaucoma, central vein occlusion, macular holes or tears, and other retinal detachment disorders cause damage or disease–the jelly-like substance that fills the inner Eye — Vitrectomy is a unique surgical procedure that removes the vitreous.

Squint Surgery

Squint surgery is a pervasive eye surgery. This involves the tightening or moving of one or more of the extrinsic eye muscles which move the eye to change the eye position. Squint surgery is a one day procedure, so you should be back home the same day.

Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma is a group of diseases afflicting the optic nerve that results in vision loss and is commonly characterized by raised intraocular (IOP). There are many glaucoma surgeries, and combinations of those surgeries, aiding in the removal of excess aqueous humour from the eye, to decrease intraocular pressure, and a few that lower the IOP by decreasing the production of aqueous.


DCR is a type of surgical procedure to create a tera drainage between the eyes and the nose. This surgery is required when the tear/nasolacrimal duct of the patient gets blocked.

Entropion Surgery

The inward turning of the eyelid which causes the lashes and lid skin to rub the eye's surface and cause discomfort, redness and watering of the eye is known as Entropion. If left untreated, it can cause ulceration on the surface of the eye, followed by scarring, which could eventually cause loss of vision. The treatment involves attending to the lid, this is generally done under local anaesthetic.

Ectropion Surgery

Contrary to Entropion, an Ectropion condition is the outward turning of the eyelid, in which patients experience symptoms due to the ocular exposure and inadequate lubrication of the eyes.

Ptosis Surgery

Ptosis is corrected by tightening of the levator muscle. The primary function of the levator muscle is to raise the eyelid. Ptosis surgery is performed through an incision in the normal crease of the upper lid. Mild ptosis during childhood can gradually worsen with age and require surgical treatment.


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