Lazy Eye Treatment In Kolkata, India | Amblyopia or Lazy Eye Causes, Symptoms, Surgery

Have you or anyone you know been affected by Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)? With specialized care and treatment offered, now is the perfect time to get a head start on improving your vision. At Spectra Eye Hospital, our team of doctors is committed to providing quality eye care with an effective approach that helps improve vision while restoring confidence. We use the latest technology to make sure our treatment methods are safe and reliable for Lazy Eye treatment in India.
Our comprehensive range of treatments for lazy eye (amblyopia) ensures improved visual acuity, enhanced clarity, easier day-to-day activities, and better self-esteem due to improved facial aesthetics. You can be assured of impeccable results as we strive for perfection so that you can experience freedom from eyeglasses and contact lenses after completing the course of therapy right here in India!

What is Lazy Eye or Amblyopia?

What is Lazy Eye or Amblyopia?

Lazy eye or amblyopia is a vision disorder that occurs in childhood, typically before the age of 7. It is characterized by reduced vision in one eye due to an abnormal development of visual pathways between the brain and the affected eye. This results in poor communication between the two eyes, leading to one eye becoming dominant while the other remains weaker.
The most common cause of amblyopia is strabismus, a condition where the eyes do not align properly and one eye deviates from its normal position. This leads to double vision or blurred vision, and the brain automatically starts ignoring images coming from that eye. Other causes include cataracts, refractive errors, and visual deprivation due to trauma or disease.
If left untreated, lazy eyes can cause permanent vision loss in the affected eye and lead to other visual problems, such as difficulty with depth perception, poor hand-eye coordination, and slow reading speed. That's why early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for improving vision outcomes.

What are the types of amblyopia?

There are three primary types of amblyopia: strabismic, refractive, and deprivation.

  • Strabismic amblyopia – Strabismic amblyopia is the most common type where the child's eyes are misaligned, with one eye turning inwards, outwards, upwards, or downwards. This misunderstanding in eye coordination leads the brain to ignore signals from the misaligned eye, causing vision loss.
  • Refractive amblyopia – Refractive amblyopia happens when there's a significant difference in the refractive errors between both eyes, causing the brain to favor the eye with less refractive error.
  • Deprivation amblyopia - Deprivation amblyopia is the most severe but less common type that occurs when something blocks light from entering and being focused in a baby's eye, such as a cataract. Early detection and prompt treatment can often reverse the effects of amblyopia.

Detailed view at cause of Amblyopia or Lazy Eye?

Lazy Eye Treatment (Amblyopia) In Kolkata, India | Causes, Symptoms, Surgery

Several factors can contribute to the development of Amblyopia. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Strabismus: As mentioned earlier, strabismus is a condition where one eye deviates from its normal position. This misalignment can cause double vision or blurred vision and lead to amblyopia as the brain starts ignoring images coming from the affected eye.
  • Refractive errors: Refractive errors such as near-sightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism can also cause lazy eye. If one eye has a significantly higher refractive error than the other, it can lead to amblyopia in the weaker eye.
  • Cataracts: Cataracts are a clouding of the eye's lens, which can interfere with vision and cause amblyopia if left untreated.
  • Visual deprivation: Any condition that obstructs or blocks the eye's vision can lead to lazy eye. This can be due to trauma, injury, or other diseases that affect the eyes.

How is Lazy Eye or Amblyopia diagnosed in Spectra Eye Hospital?

Lazy eye or amblyopia can be diagnosed during a comprehensive eye exam by an ophthalmologist. The doctor will conduct a series of tests to evaluate visual acuity, eye movement, and alignment. These tests may include:

  • Visual acuity test: This is a standard eye chart test that measures how well you can see from a distance.
  • Cover test: This test helps to detect strabismus by covering one eye at a time and observing the movement of the uncovered eye.
  • Refraction test: A refraction test is done to determine if you have any refractive errors that may be causing amblyopia.
  • Dilated eye exam: During this exam, special drops are used to widen the pupil, allowing the doctor to see the back of your eye and check for any abnormalities.
  • Specialized tests: In some cases, specialized tests may be conducted to assess depth perception, colour vision, or contrast sensitivity.
If any signs of lazy eye are detected, the doctor will recommend further testing and treatment options.

What are the signs and symptoms of Amblyopia?

The most common symptom of lazy eye is reduced vision in one eye. However, other signs may indicate amblyopia, including: Lazy Eye Treatment (Amblyopia) In Kolkata, India | Causes, Symptoms, Surgery

  1. Squinting or closing one eye to see better
  2. Tilting the head to one side when looking at objects
  3. Poor depth perception or difficulty with 3D vision
  4. Poor hand-eye coordination
  5. Unequal pupil size between the two eyes
  6. Difficulty with reading or slow reading speed

It is important to note that some children may not show any symptoms of amblyopia, which is why routine eye exams are crucial for early detection and treatment.

How is Lazy Eye Treatment done in Kolkata, India?

The Lazy Eye (Amblyopia) treatment in India depends on the severity and underlying cause of the condition. Some common treatment options include:

Corrective lenses: If refractive errors are causing lazy eye, prescription glasses or contact lenses may be prescribed to improve vision.
Patching therapy: This involves covering the strong eye with an eyepatch for several hours a day to force the weaker eye to work harder and improve vision.
Vision therapy: This is a non-surgical treatment that involves specialized exercises and activities to improve eye coordination, focus, and visual processing skills.
Surgery: In cases of severe strabismus or cataracts, surgery may be necessary to correct the underlying issue and improve vision.

It is important to note that lazy eye treatment in Kolkata, India, requires consistent and dedicated efforts from both the patient and their family. With proper treatment, it is possible to improve vision in the weaker eye and prevent permanent vision loss. Thus, if you or your child are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned earlier, consult an ophthalmologist for a thorough eye examination and early intervention. Remember, early detection and treatment can significantly improve the outcome of Amblyopia.

Do not delay seeking proper medical care. With the right treatment plan, you or your child can have better vision and a brighter future ahead! Contact us today for more information about our specialized Lazy Eye(Amblyopia) treatments in India! Book your appointment now at Spectra Eye Hospital !!!


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